Vet Advise – Part 5 – How to Treat Arthritis, Vomiting and Diarrhea

Dr. Andrew JonesI’m going to be passing along some vet advise from Dr Andrew Jones, author and creator of Veterinary Secrets Revealed.

Dr. Jones has more than a decade of experience and has his own veterinary practice.

Dr. Jones also has a great online vet site called ‘The Inner Circle’ where you can find some incredible information, answers to questions, a library and forum.

Now let’s hear from Dr. Andew Jones!

How to treat arthritis, vomiting and diarrhea

Sometimes I envy other vets.

I guess it’s embarrassing to tell you that. But it’s true. They are the “specialists”- the ones who can fix any type of broken leg or diagnose the most unusual disease.

Treating pets with alternative at home remedies never came easy to me. My first attempts at using alternative medicine didn’t always work. I remember one time how I tried to direct a pet owner in applying a simple topical treatment for a hot spot.

It was a mixture of tea and aspirin. The owner thought that the dog should drink it.

The hot spot got worse, and his dog vomited from the aspirin.

Of course, I didn’t clearly explain what to do.

I found this out by experience.

Anyway, one of the differences in my e-books is that my information is based on my experience.

I give explicit step by step instructions in treating your pet. I included only those at home remedies that work.


In this part of the exam, we focus on the muscles and bones that help your pet move. Starting at the neck, run your hand along the spine to the base of the tail. Feel the muscles on both sides of the spine and notice if any feel unusually firm or knotted.

Pets can get a variety of conditions that will lead to muscle spasms in their back muscles.

Massage any tight muscles and take note of the area. A common condition in active dogs is to develop fusing of the spine (spondylosis). This can lead to decreased mobility, pinched vertebrae and back pain. Your pet will benefit from regular massage of the lower lumbar spinal muscles. Place your hands on either side of the spine and use deep circular digital pressure with your thumbs. Work on the affected area once daily for 5 minutes.

Next, palpate the bones and muscles of the legs. Start on the legs at the toes. Apply moderate pressure to the joints and move each joint back and forth. On the front legs pay close attention to any discomfort in the elbow or shoulder; these are common areas of arthritis. In the rear limbs, pay close attention to the knee and the hips for these are commonly arthritic. Your pet will resist moving these joints and may even yelp if she has arthritis.

HERBAL. A variety of herbs are used at different times for arthritis. The ones I have seen to be most effective include: DEVIL’S CLAW, used in traditional African medicine and has scientific studies to back its effectiveness, give 100mg or 10 drops per 10 lbs of body weight.

ACUPRESSURE. GB 41, located on the bottom of the foot, in the depression of the two outside toes, and is especially good for arthritic pain in the hips.

METHYLSULFONYMETHANE. MSM is a supplement, found in some plants such as Horsetail. It works by reducing inflammation in the joints by acting as an antioxidant. The MSM dosage is 50mg per 10lbs of body weight daily.

IT’S IN THE CARTILAGE. GLUCOSAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE is the most important supplement to add to your pet’s diet. The dose is 1/4 of a 500mg tablet once daily per 10 lbs of body weight. It helps to rebuild the cartilage and delay further cartilage breakdown.


A common problem for pets is vomiting and diarrhea. Any vomiting pet must be evaluated for dehydration. If your pet is profusely vomiting ( ie every few hours), then they are getting dehydrated and need veterinary care. If your pet is still consuming water and occasionally vomiting, then you can try some of the home remedies.

Two home remedies that are effective include HOMEOPATHIC and HERBAL remedies.

Nux Vomica is an effective homeopathic remedy for vomiting. Give 1 tablet of the 30C strength per 40lbs once daily for 3-5 days.

GINGER. A tasty addition for a curry is also effective for vomiting. The dried herb dose is 25mg per lb or 1 drop per lb twice daily of the tincture

Diarrhea can be caused by a number of different things, from garbage, to parasites, to infectious agents (such as parvovirus). Most cases of diarrhea respond to symptomatic treatment at home.

The most effective one is 24 HOUR FAST. Stop putting food into your pet for 24 hours (Day 1). This allows the intestines to rest and regenerate. Always have access to plenty of fresh water. After 24 hours introduce a bland food for the next 24 hours (Day 2). Plain white cooked rice for dogs, feeding equivalent cups of rice as their normal diet.

For cats, protein is essential, try cooked chicken breast with the rice. After a day of the bland food mix 1/2 regular diet and 1/2 bland diet (Day 3). By the end of day 3 they should be back on their normal diet.

I just covered 3 of the most common reasons pets go to a veterinarian – Arthritis, Vomiting and Diarrhea. Millions of dollars have been spent fixing these problems.

The treatments I covered may be all that you need for now. But I guarantee that you will use many of the thousands of at home remedies in my book.

I use them every day in practice. They work.

No side effects.

You should try it.

Best wishes,
Dr Andrew Jones

By the way, are ready to step up and get

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